Pair 4 EW - Glen Sebasio / Peter Wardrop
Place: 2, Percentage: 44.79%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 4: The Director / Sylvia Corby 4 N AC 10 -420 1 17% Board 2 4: The Director / Sylvia Corby 3 S 4C 8 100 3 50% Board 3 4: The Director / Sylvia Corby 2 E 2C 9 140 2 33% Board 4 4: The Director / Sylvia Corby 4 S 3C 12 -680 3 50% Board 5 1: JOSHUA SCHWARZ / Victoria Heap 4 W TD 7 -150 0 0% Board 6 1: JOSHUA SCHWARZ / Victoria Heap 2 W QH 11 150 0 0% Board 7 1: JOSHUA SCHWARZ / Victoria Heap 4 S 6D 10 -620 4 67% Board 8 1: JOSHUA SCHWARZ / Victoria Heap 3 N AD 10 -170 2 33% Board 9 3: Declan Ingham / Thomas Woolley 3NTX W AS 7 -500 0 0% Board 10 3: Declan Ingham / Thomas Woolley 3NT W 4S 10 630 4 67% Board 11 3: Declan Ingham / Thomas Woolley 4X S 3C 10 -590 0 0% Board 12 3: Declan Ingham / Thomas Woolley 2NT S 2C 6 200 6 100% Board 13 2: Marcia Howard / Lisa Bradley 1NT N 5H 5 200 6 100% Board 14 2: Marcia Howard / Lisa Bradley 4 E 8C 13 510 4 67% Board 15 2: Marcia Howard / Lisa Bradley 4 W 2D 13 510 6 100% Board 16 2: Marcia Howard / Lisa Bradley 2 N AD 10 -170 2 33%
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