Pair 12 NS - Ian Dalziell / Donald Greig
Place: 2, Percentage: 62.93%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 11: Brett Yeats / Jennifer Yeats 3NT N TD 10 430 10 100% Board 2 11: Brett Yeats / Jennifer Yeats 3NT W JH 9 -400 4 40% Board 3 11: Brett Yeats / Jennifer Yeats 4 N 2D 10 420 5 50% Board 4 10: Michael Burt / Stephen Bartos 2 S 7H 8 90 3 38% Board 5 10: Michael Burt / Stephen Bartos 2 E 2D 11 -200 5 62% Board 6 10: Michael Burt / Stephen Bartos 3NT N 4D 9 400 8 100% Board 7 9: Subhash Mohindra / Mohan Singh 4 N KS 10 620 8 80% Board 8 9: Subhash Mohindra / Mohan Singh 3NT W 3S 9 -400 1 10% Board 9 9: Subhash Mohindra / Mohan Singh 4 E KC 9 100 8 80% Board 10 8: Pam Crichton / Ross Crichton 3X N KH 9 730 8 100% Board 11 8: Pam Crichton / Ross Crichton 1NT W 6S 8 -120 4 50% Board 12 8: Pam Crichton / Ross Crichton 2 N 7C 7 -100 4 67% Board 13 7: Peter Waight / Larissa Cowlishaw 5 S 3S 12 620 5 50% Board 14 7: Peter Waight / Larissa Cowlishaw 4 W KD 6 200 6 60%
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