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Friday Morning - Red (28-Feb-25)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1136.0 59.13% David Martin - Julie Taylor (4)0.21
2131.3 57.09% Mary Madden - Arlene Hiew (2)0.15
3127.2 55.30% Terrie Gleeson - Lenore Lawson (3)0.11
4117.8 51.22% Lyndall Kennedy - Kate Latimer (1) 
5108.7 47.27% Craig Lindsay - Shawn Castle-Burns (7) 
6100.4 43.65% Juliana Wu-Sun - Richard McIntyre (5) 
784.0 36.52% Christine Jansz - Sue Larkey (6) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1127.4 55.39% Barry Jones - Karen Carlin (5)0.21
2120.0 52.17% Robyn Cleary - Robyn Banks (6)0.15
3118.3 51.45% Margie Kidney - Rosie Phillips (4)0.11
4116.4 50.61% Meurine Thomas - Ross Thomas (3) 
5115.4 50.17% Kathy Manning - Del Moyle (7) 
6110.4 48.00% Linda McDonald - Alexander Dobson (1) 
796.4 41.91% Bob Wilson - Diana Primrose (2) 

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