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Friday Morning - Red (21-Feb-25)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1140.5 55.75% Margaret Henderson - Laurayne Bowler (8)0.24
2137.8 54.70% Terrie Gleeson - Lenore Lawson (3)0.17
3137.7 54.63% Margaret Ann Salmon - Christine Jansz (6)0.12
4129.5 51.39% David Martin - Julie Taylor (4)0.08
5126.0 50.00% Robyn Cleary - Jo Heesom-Green (2) 
6116.0 46.03% Miklos Tifan - Gerdina Bryant (7) 
7111.5 44.25% Juliana Wu-Sun - Richard McIntyre (5) 
8109.0 43.25% Kim Whiteman - Sylvia Corby (1) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1190.2 66.03% Sally Vardy - Catriona Bruce (5)0.24
2173.2 60.13% Kathy Manning - Del Moyle (4)0.17
3150.5 52.26% Meurine Thomas - Ross Thomas (3)0.12
4135.7 47.11% Bobbie Gosper - Xiaomei Wallace (2) 
5131.8 45.77% Linda McDonald - Alexander Dobson (1) 
6115.5 40.10% Bob Wilson - Diana Primrose (6) 
7105.9 36.77% Shawn Castle-Burns - Craig Lindsay (7) 

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